Saturday, April 19, 2008


i recently finished the second book of several regarding one Chris Crean. This is his highschool yearbook. complete with the statements he wrote on other people's pictures. Crean, apparently, didn't fully understand the way yearbooks work, writing his sentiments and comments for and to others in his own. It has a color cover, black and white interior. Printed on the konika semi-gloss paper. If you are interested in purchasing/trading for one, let me know!

I am also beginning work on a book of screen shots about Crean's facebook is random taste:

there is more of us than i thought.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

get off of my desktop.

so, i am at work in the Learning Center right now... and every forty seconds the fire alarm blorts out, because it is running out of batteries. i just thought that you should know that.

im not proud of this. its based on 50% true events:

Sunday, April 6, 2008


i hadn't been drawing anything lately, too stressed by finals. but after attending the comics opening/gallery talk yesterday, i felt compelled to doodle in my sketchbook.

so as eileen was leaving my house last night, we decided to shout one word at each other, at the same time. and then we had to make a comic about those words. the words were GRAIN and LABOR. hers will be up soon!